vergelegen winelands, somerset west, cape town

afro cafe, down town, cape town

easter in somerset west, cape town

well i usually don’t have much time to post...but so much to share!
my feelings for these people, this country and their struggles are so great...
with the apartheid only ending less than 15 years ago....resulting in a huge back-lock socially and economically between races it is amazing to see their passion for their heritage and country....i have heard before that you truly haven’t lived until you have been to africa and i believe it now....the world has so much to learn from and about these people...
and i don’t mean flying in and staying in a 5-star hotel....i mean living with the xhosa people and getting to know one of the most passionate and hospitable people groups i have ever been with...
this country has come a long way in the last decade but it is very difficult to undo the injustice that went on for 50 years...there is huge group of impoverished/uneducated people due to the fact they were denied education for years so this results in the high crime rate south africa is and has been facing for years.
but to clear the air about that....we heard so many horror stories from people that had friends shot over their car or had a knife held to their throat in down town cape town...but we have been here for a little over a month and we have not felt threatened in any way. they have security everywhere and they are really trying to get a handle on crime for the 2010 world all in all it is a beautiful country with beautiful people and although the flight may cost around 2500 per person the trip will be pretty inexpensive...i really hope you have the chance to experience what we have!