we have started to pack up...and i can't believe how much stuff we have accumulated...it's crazy and we can't take much with us.
i am sad to go but excited at the journey ahead...
we're off to london at the end of the week and then on to south africa for the next couple months. we will be working in a high school in cape town teaching art, IT, pe (they have expressed the desire to learn american basketball-so cort will be perfect) and AIDS awareness...1 out of every 3 people in south africa have HIV and it's growing sadly but steadily. i am trying to prepare my heart for what we will encounter...we are visiting several orphanages and hospitals as well as townships (ghettos)...but from what i hear they far surpass our worst.
i don’t know what it is but every time i visit an orphanage something comes over and it’s always life changing...i want so much to change their circumstances but we are never there long enough...who knows maybe someday we will be!
and just a few pics from our cruise today...we are trying to soak in every last minute....i am going to miss all of these cool little churches...

by the way....is anybody bored and feel like taking a trip to hong kong this summer?....we are going and we need others! the chinese government has has decided they want their top university students to learn about democracy not only from americans....but from a christian (biblical) point of view....this is huge! so cort and i are going over to teach this summer but there is room for many more teachers....and don’t worry we get training and you don’t have to be a teacher....let us know:)

and we’ll have a little fun too...hong kong is one of my favorite cities....great food & great shopping!
1 comment:
Jen, I am so inspired by you and Cort! What a life changing experience you all are going through! I hope that you will be able to keep in touch through your next trip! I will keep you both in my prayers!!
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