1. well there usually isn’t at least one time (or more) in day where I find myself dreaming about what we could do next…or where we are going to move to….
2. I love to try new things, anything, and I am constantly working on something new….
3. hence the name project-x coined by my lovely husband whom not only calls me project-x but teek as well…don’t ask we are not even sure where it came from but we have been calling each other that for 7+ years…
4. I am never content…it is something I am in constant prayer about…it’s like a crazy, crazy thing that will probably never go away….well…hopfully someday!
5. I am having a difficult time adjusting to the real world of working again….but I do love my little second graders…they are so cute and they call cortney my wife! I love it!! (he really is my stay at home wife right now-ha ha)
6. well…um…let me see…I love love love traveling, as do most people, however I think I am addicted and I just can't stop thinking about it…EVER…we hope to go to turkey and greece…this summer….well maybe…
7.we’re still not sure about that because ummmmm…..

Congratulations! That is so exciting. Nice to see you back in the blogging world!
im an auntie!!!!
SOOOOO excited for you!! Congrats to you both! I love the picture too!!
Wow, congrats!!! we are so happy for you guys. It is the best thing in the world. Enjoy every moment of your pregnacy and sleep while you still can.
Yeahhh! Congratulations!!! We love you both so much and know you will be amazing parents! You will be adorable pregnant too!
I am so excited for you!!!
Jen..I have to say that being content is something I struggle with as well. I do something then I am on to the next or want to do more.....I hear you on that one!!!
Can't wait to see your cute pregnant belly!
AAAAAAH! Congratualtions, you two! I was wondering if you still remembered you had a blog, but whatta great comeback! How far along are you, anyway?
P.S. Actually, as long as you have an easier pregnancy, traveling while prego is very fun. Pete and I make a point to take a little vacation by ourselves before each kid is born (your months 4-7 are pr'y the best). And sometimes traveling with an infant can be s breeze too! So, don't give up your travel dreams yet...
congrats.....how exciting!! great pic! good to see you back!
So So So excited for you both!!!! You are both going to be great parents and your little one is going to be adorable!!! Does this mean you aren't going to move here? You wouldn't regret it if you did!:) Love you both So glad you blogged again, we've missed you!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!! There is trully nothing better in the whole world than being a mommy!! So good to hear from you!! Where are you working now, i will have to come say hi? Are you in the same house??
I was wondering what happened to you. Glad to see you are blogging again. And what wonderful news! I am so excited to hear that you are having a baby!!! You are going to LOVE being parents. The months ahead are going to be so exciting, but there's nothing better than seeing his or her little face. Sam and I will pray for a wonderful pregnancy and an easy delivery.
Congratulations!!! Did Nicole tell you that she is pregnant too and due in April? All these babies!
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